Yesterday was Chad Michael Murray's 28
th birthday! So was
Sanuja's. Happy Birthday! Chad is so old now, but he still looks hot!
haha Oh my
OTH is still not finish downloading -.- so
Anyways, I went out with Dani,
Daa and Kay yesterday to
OU. We hanged out at Dani's house then we headed
OU at around 2pm. We bought tickets for the Proposal at 4.20pm then we were so bored and got nothing to do. (so surprising we didn't do any shopping at all, YES!
haha) Then we decided to watch something in
TGV to kill time. So Dani and
Daa bought tickets for Aliens in the Attic.
The blonde guy on the left is hot! But Kay said the guy on the right is hotter (No, he's not! He's just quite cute which doesn't contains any hotness) It was okay I guess. AND YES DANI, I didn't CRY. HAHA

After that, we ran straight to GSC and catch our next movie. HAAHHA, the timing was just right. We stepped into the theatre and the advertisements started playing. Good job girls :P OMG I swear it's a good movie! So fun but sad. Sandra Bullock is so hot? and Andrew has a super hot body, YAWWW! OK, I know I cried throughout the movie but I can't help it right. It's so touching! I alread started crying when Margaret was confessing in the boat with Andrew. Then all the way till the movie ended. HEHE :) This is currently the best movie I ever watched.

So the movie finished at 6pm. Then we went down at LG for New York New York Deli :) I had my ULTRA CHEESY nachos and the cheesy stucked in my throat for the whole night. Ask Dani and Daa how suffocating I was. Oh before that, Daa was getting ready to buka puasa with her phone beside her, waiting for her mom's call, putting the nachos on her plate, her Coke and a glass of water. Then when her mom called and some people announced in the mall, you know how she reacted ;) So to sum up everything, it was a great day yesterday. We should have more of this again! :)