SAWADIKAAB! I'm back from Thailand, baby! My first visit in Thailand :) It was great I have to say! I was there for 3 days. People there are nice and I saw man-turned-into-woman (HEHEH) but it was really torturing sitting in the car from hmm 8am-6pm? We reached the hotel at around 7pm but Thai's time is one hour earlier. So 6pm then we went up to freshen up and went for dinner. We had TOMYAMMM SOUP! Now I've finally tasted the original tomyam soup. Oh and I rode on the TUT-TUT taxi! My sisters, cousins and I were so annoying and kept bugging our parents so we can ride on the tut-tut. It's so cute! The tut-tut cars were everywhere. The 2nd day, we were to have seafood. Sotongs, tomyam soup AGAIN, crabs, fish and everything nice. After that, we were to where I've been wanting to go for so long. The pasar apung! It's so cool, and filled with food and so packed. At night, we were so bored and full so we decided to go for foot massage. OH EM GEE, two words: THE BEST! It was so ticklish but fun. My cousins were laughing and moving here and there. My feet felt so light and soft after the massage. They even massaged our body and hands, briefly la. So the next day, we pack up and headed back to Malaysia. In spite of the butt cramps along the way to Thailand in the car, I had alot of fun :) Koponkha!
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