Friday, December 11, 2009


This is called 50 First Reactions. Type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you see these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random it is, just type it!
1. Beer: tiger, heineken, kilkenny
2. Food: nice food
3. Relationships: guys
4. Your crush: a guy
5. Power Rangers: lil kids
6. Life: lifeless
7. The President: dad
8. Yummy: yums
9. Cars: lamboghini
10. Movies: cinemas
11. Halloween: ghost,ugly
12. Sex: hot
13. Religion: racist
14. Hate: bastard
15. Fear: lizards
16. Marriage: commitment
17. Blondes: i love
18. Slippers: black
19. Shoes: i dont wear
20. Asians: me
21. Past time: no regrets
22. One night stand: irresponsible
23. My cell phone: touch screen and suck
24. Smoke: tried it
25. Fantasy: no fantasy
26. College: sunway
27. High school life: doing fine
28. Pyjamas: boxers
29. Stars: shiny
30. Center: middle
31. Alcohol: drunk
32. The word love: need trust
33. Friends: good
34. Money: need lots!
35. Heartache: guys
36. Time: flies
37. Divorce: hard
38. Dogs: puppies
39. Undies: not nice
40. Parents: nag
41. Babies: mine!
42. Ex: none
43. Song: hot chick
44. Color: blonde
45. Weddings: gowns!
46. Pizza: pepperoni
47. Hangout: shoppinggggggg
48. Rest: sleep
49. Goal: football
50. Inspiration: books

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