Sunday, June 13, 2010

World Cup!

Well well, I'm back :) So sorry I didn't put in efforts to update my blog again! Haha. Anyway, world cup has arriveddd! Kind of crazy because all of us stayed up till 5 am just to watch the World Cup. My days are being quite nice to me so far. But I still can't clear certain things. No one seems to assure me on certain things. Guess I should just find out myself? I'm really tired of all these. Wonder why I'd waste my time staring and waiting for nuts. Like I always say, I want the ability to read minds.

Btw, my fat sister had flew to Singapore! Having the time of her life there with her friends. Her boyfriend can't go with her, thats sad. I'm looking forward for my souvenirs! Ehem :D So we have left one more week of holidays before school reopens and thats when miserable nerding life goes on. We had a week of extra classes. On last Wednesday I went out with ma lovely girls. Seing, Elaine, Shi Lin, Dani and soon leaving me, Kay :( She'll be living in New York with her mom and finishing her high school there. So this is why I would try my best to spend the most time with her. Oh we watched Prince of Persia. It was goood, I swear! The smoking hot main actor thats what makes it better ;) and we had lunch at DELIcious. Yums. Had tons of fun. Thanks girls for making my life complete.

So next up, Penang we go! Will be leaving on Wednesday and staying in Hard Rock hotel! First time baby, excited :) Heard comments and all are positive comments it seems! Haven't been going to Penang for quite sometime and I need good food! Anyhow, I still need to control. Just joined CelebrityFitness and looks like I need to lose quite a big amount of FATS. Thats not nice (N) and I am consistantly craving for desserts! cheese cakes and ice cream! My goal is to lose 5-7kgs in 5 months? I doubt that. Ok ok have faith in youself Mei. You can do it, find the willpower! Haha ok, up to here my post for today. Stay tuned!